I am a woman who strives to be the best mom and wife I can be. This among many things is a goal in my life... My Jesus, my family, my church are some of the most important things in my life. Everything else falls under that. I love spending time with my son, he is amazing and the reason I started this blog. I want to remember him just the way he is. I sing all the time, and would one day enjoy making a record with my amazing talented brother... My hubby is an amazing man who is my strength when I am week, and he backs me in everything and anything I want to do! This life is a journey, a path and I am on it. It may be a roller coaster at times, but there is a God and people who help see me through it. My family (including close friends) are the ones who see me through! My momma is one amazing woman, and if I may say so she is my hero, the one I look up to. Where would I be without her? I am passionate about my family and the well being of my amazing God sent son.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First Time

A few days ago, I had a friend tell me I should start a blog, wondering what I should write about I simply asked her... "And what would I write about?" At this point she told me I should write about being a first time mom, and so that is what I have set out to do. I will write about all the cute, silly, funny little things he does, and all the dumb, stupid things his momma does... Hopefully in all of my writings I will not bore you...

So for my first blog I would like to begin to tell you about my pregnancy with this little miracle. I conceived him in August, at this time I had been married for 7 months... Probably a little to soon to get pregnant, but we "thought" we were ready, I can see now that more thought should have been placed into that idea. Although I had a fairly easy pregnancy, compared to most it still had its ups and downs. Near my last few weeks it is easy to say I was not a happy camper, being uncomfortable, and in pain almost every day and night was no where near fun. My doctor had set an inducement date, it was going to be the week he was due. However my little man had different plans for his mommy. Four days before I found my self in labor and delivery, my contractions started. Fairly mild I didn't think anything of it. But as the hours and days progressed the contractions began to grow stronger and a bit longer. For about two days they were pretty consistent at 5 min apart. Mind you I called labor and delivery three times and was told they needed to be at least 1-2 minutes apart, and to take some tylenol and rest Hmmmmmmmmmmm. So I did not go into the hospital, I did not want to be confined to a bed nor did I want to be sent home due to a false alarm. So I waited, finally at 3 am Monday morning my contractions had just enough pain to make me cry, so I told my wonderful loving hubby I needed to go to the hospital, when I got there I was checked and told I was at 9 1/2 centimeters. I was so excited until the nurse asked me why I was happy, cause it was to late for an epi... That made me a little more nervous, although the nurses were so sweet and quite reassuring they told me if I made it this far the rest would be a breeze. The doctor made it into the room and I was given pitocin I have no clue why I needed that since I was at 9 1/2 centimeters, but I'm not the doctor... That is when the contractions got completely unbearable, I felt like I couldn't take it anymore, I had NO pain killer in my system. While the doctor was in the room he told me I would have to have an emergency C-section... I was a little bummed to have come as far as I did and have to have my baby taken that way, but I was so happy it was going to be over and I would have some meds in my system. It turns out that my baby boy had his foot tangled in the umbilical cord and every time I had a contraction his heart rate would drop... All I can say is THANK GOD FOR DOCTORS! There were two downsides to me having a C-Section, I don't remember having my baby at all because of all the meds that were in my system, and the recovery killed me. That, and only that is the reason why having another baby scares me... I hated the pain of the recovery, not being able to hold my baby close, and not being able to affectively nurse him. I believe this is because I am such a petite girl that it hurt so bad to nurse and such. I went home, got healed up and now we are a year down the road, and this has been the best year in my whole life, nothing tops this. My baby boy is my everything, I have truly been blessed with my little Ry!


  1. You have your first follower. Now come over and follow me too! LOL Teasing, but seriously. That is how it works in blog land. Hey, I'll send some of my friends over to you.

    I personally think you should write about JESUS and your love for Him too! Woo hoo!

    Ok, come visit my blog now. (((hugs)))

    Love ya!

  2. Hi! My name is Kelly, and I was sent here via Beth's tweet. It's so awesome that you made it so far in your labor at home. I'm a sucker for a birth story! I'm sorry that it didn't end the way you wanted it to, but there's always next time ;) It's very nice to meet you. I live in NC too. You can visit me at

    I don't usually leave my blog address like that, but since your new, I didn't know if you knew how to get back to my blog.

  3. Hi!I am here via a Facebook post that Beth did. We have the first time mommy thing in common! Sounds like a bit of a rough beginning but I'm glad your miracle made it and you are here to share him with us! I have a little boy too and it sounds as though they are exactly one year apart, my little guy will be 6 weeks old on Saturday!

    Welcome to blogland...I look forward to reading more about you and your beautiful son!

    P.S. We like pictures too!

  4. Beth, I'm coming over to your blog just give me a moment, I'm still new to this lol!

    Kelly, thanks for following me it will be great to read your blog...

    Trudy, thanks for coming over as well... I will post a few pics of him soon :-)

  5. Hi and welcome to our bloggy world. I came over to visit from Beth's blog. I wanted to tell you that you're going to get hooked on this blogging gig. It's fun to make new friends.

    I am also a Christian so we have something in common for sure.

    I hope you'll share some photos of your little one.

