I am a woman who strives to be the best mom and wife I can be. This among many things is a goal in my life... My Jesus, my family, my church are some of the most important things in my life. Everything else falls under that. I love spending time with my son, he is amazing and the reason I started this blog. I want to remember him just the way he is. I sing all the time, and would one day enjoy making a record with my amazing talented brother... My hubby is an amazing man who is my strength when I am week, and he backs me in everything and anything I want to do! This life is a journey, a path and I am on it. It may be a roller coaster at times, but there is a God and people who help see me through it. My family (including close friends) are the ones who see me through! My momma is one amazing woman, and if I may say so she is my hero, the one I look up to. Where would I be without her? I am passionate about my family and the well being of my amazing God sent son.

Monday, July 7, 2014

First time mommy of 3

I've recently had my third baby, and while I'm completely thrilled I find my self a little overwhelmed. I'm hoping this feeling is normal, is natural and that there aren't "super moms" out there that feel the opposite lol. Although I know we all have our "super mom" abilities, but this momma is feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of my mom going home and me being home with three little ones day in and day out. So tell me all you mommas... How do you do it? What "super mom" ability am I missing, and where do I find it? When it comes to caring for three little ones and keeping a house clean, not to mention homeschooling my oldest, its overwhelming. I know everyone will say "you'll get the hang if it", or "hang in there it gets better/easier". And while I appreciate those words of encouragement it sure doesn't make things any easier :) okay, okay I'm don't griping, I'm so thrilled to be blessed beyond measure with the beautiful, wonderful, amazing kids.